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Trust Our Experts for Window Replacement and Installation

Window screens play a critical role in maintaining comfort in your home. The experts at Premier Window Supply offer window screen repair and installation services for homeowners in the Central Valley and Greater Sacramento Area. As a local business, we always strive to provide our clients with an exceptional customer experience. We build relationships and trust by offering high-quality products and completing our projects on time. Let our team repair or replace your window screen so you can finally use the window again. Contact us today to get started.

windows in living area

Is It Time to Replace Your Window Screens?

As a homeowner, it’s crucial to understand the warning signs that your window screens require replacement. You may not often consider your window screens. However, their condition plays a vital role in the ability to use your windows and provide safety and comfort to your family. For over 22 years, our knowledgeable and experienced team of professionals has been installing new screens in homes throughout the area.

windows in living area

Watch for These Items When It’s Time to Replace Your Window Screens

We’ve compiled a list of items homeowners should watch to determine if it’s time to replace their window screens:

  • Missing – Nearly every type of window should have a window screen. If you notice any missing window screens, then it’s time to schedule a replacement.
  • Torn – A torn screen mesh can allow insects and other pests to enter your home, especially if you keep your windows open at night.
  • Rise in Energy Costs – A thick window mesh is the first line of defense against sun rays. Your window mesh will absorb some of the heat, helping to keep you cool.
  • Damaged Frames – Window frames are exposed to the elements making them more easily susceptible to damage.
  • Age – When was the last time you updated your window screens? Most frames are manufactured to last about ten years.

Improve Your Home’s Comfort With New Window Screens

Homeowners throughout the Central Valley and Greater Sacramento Area trust the professionals at Premier Window Supply for new screen window installation and replacement services. Our team has decades of industry experience, which ensures we can complete every installation project on time. Whether you need to replace a single window screen or upgrade all the windows and your home with new screens, we’ll provide an exceptional experience.

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